The Team at Ad Astra Trading

Dr Ian Gregory Dr Ian Gregory
Dr Ian Gregory | CIO & CTO

Ian possesses a bachelor in Physics, Masters of Quantitative Finance & a PhD in Mathematics from the University of Sydney.
Complemented with over 20 years work experience including CTO of Orthogonal Trading, head of high frequency equity trading at SBI Securities in Tokyo, quantitative international proprietary trader at Macquarie Bank & ABN AMRO. A fixed income quantitative analyst at Nomura, counter-party credit, electricity trading, carbon trading quantitative analyst at Westpac Bank in Australia. Quantitative strategist at Credit Suisse, Perpetual Asset Management & Bloomberg.

The name Ad Astra is Latin for "heading to the stars".
  • Symbolizing an upward and prosperous journey for Ad Astra clients.
  • The name stems from the common institutional banking phrase "it's going to the moon". Referring to an asset rising in value significantly from the current level.
  • Also brings fond memories to the firms founder when looking into the night sky with his father as a child.
Ad Astra Trading is a multi-asset investment manager.
  • Seeking abnormal returns by considering any reasonable instrument in secondary markets. Namely, exchange traded: bonds; FX; equities; futures or options.
Coupled with a multi-strategy approach.
  • To outperform in a dynamically changing world with improving technologies & increased competitiveness. Not being limited to one style of investment approach has merit.
  • Ad Astra utilises qualitative & quantitative data for investment decisions.
  • The decision process considers rational judgement, data science, machine learning and big data.
  • Investments are implemented in a number of ways. Including: high frequency algorithmic trading, derivatives, long/short & market making.

Ad Astra trading is registered with the British Virgin Islands (BVI) Financial Services Commission (FSC).

Employs GIPS standards to offer full disclosure and fair representation of investment performance as an investment managers.

FACTA/chapter 4 compliant with a valid Global Intermediary Identification Number (GIIN) issued from the IRS for a model 1 IGA. See: formw8bene.

Ad Astra has a Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) to comply with the European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR) policies for over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives, central counterparties (CCPs) and trade repositories.

On the 3rd January 2018, a new Directive 2014/65/EC ("MiFID II") and Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation ("MiFIR") became effective. MiFIR Transaction Reporting applies to European Economic Area ("EEA") Investment Firms.

BVI : British Virgin Islands
FACTA : Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act.
FSC : Financial Services Commission.
GIIN : Global Intermediary Identification Number.
GIPS : Global Investment Performance Standards.
IGA : Intergovernmental agreement.
IRS : Internal Revenue Service.
LEI : Legal Entity Identifier